SubSchedules - External Events
SubSchedules - Schedule Instance Property Update
- For a Schedule Instance Property:
SubSchedules - Dropping Events into MSGIN
- SMA has many utilities that can update Properties via
passing Event parameters as Command Line arguments - Spaces in each parameter must be quoted or the program will be thrown off
- Quotes are removed by the OS when passing parameters to the script
- This can ruin quoted parameters when accounting for periods in Schedule Names
$PROPERTY:ADD,SI.File Path.[[$DATE]]."Test.Schedule 001",C:\Test\
- If this Event is passed from the Command Line into a file to be processed by
, make sure that the quotes are not dropped - To do so, comment out the quotes:
$PROPERTY:ADD,SI.File Path.[[$DATE]].\"Test.Schedule 001\",C:\Test\
Unique Properties
- Pulls the Schedule Instance Property of the Master Schedule instead of a SubSchedule's Schedule Instance PropertySJI
- Pulls the Job Instance Property of a Container Job controlling a SubSchedule Job